Today I was really down. I think I cried half of the day. I feel homesick, I feel like the freaky foreigner, I feel lonely, isolated, and I desperately wish that I could learn Afrikaans faster.
I checked the mail today, which is unusual. 99% of the time someone else fetches it. But today it was me, and would you believe there was a slip saying a package had arrived?
I went over to the post office to fetch the package, and when I got it home and opened it, I found a box full of wrapped Christmas presents and a note from my ladies' prayer group back in the States, which said, "Because you can't have winter without Christmas."
Inside the box were Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, candy canes, hot cocoa packets, spiced cider packets, applesauce (yippee!!!), treats for the kids, popcorn, and all things Christmas-y. My friend Jane happened to be at my house and I was able to make some Christmas coffee, share some sweets, and say "Merry Christmas!" to her. She, of course, thought this to be immensely funny because to her, Christmas is a summer event.
In the States, people often have "Christmas in July" parties with surfing themes, etc., and think it to be humerous because Christmas is a winter event. Here, the surfing, swim party Christmas thing is normal... but that's in December! Right now it's July- and winter- so the Christmas in July thing is confusing... and strangely comforting. Am I making any sense whatsoever?
I feel like the Pevensie children felt when Father Christmas came to Narnia and the cold winter began to thaw into spring. There is a group of very special ladies who went out of their way to cheer up a lonely American in Pretoria. The amazing thing is, when they sent the package, I was probably doing just fine. This week has been incredibly rough. The package came on the very day that I was at my lowest point. God's timing is perfect, no? Proverbs 25:25 says, "Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land."
To my ladies' prayer group back in America, you truly are Perfect Gifts. (James 1:17) Enjoy your flip-flop weather, and Merry Christmas!