I am on a quest to figure out just how to cook and use these different meats. Ox tail is incredibly good in soup. Lamb knuckles are apparently good in curries. Liver is good sauteed with onions and peri peri sauce, and served with rice.
One thing I have come to appreciate is bone-in meat. In the States we're so used to having the bones taken out of our meat, that it was new for me to slurp the marrow out of bones in my stew. The flavour of a South African potjiekos (sort of like stew, only cooked in a three-legged cast iron pot over an open fire) is unparalleled.
I didn't realise how "packaged" American society was until I moved to Africa and had to actually take the meat off the bones myself (although a South African would ask why on earth you would do such a thing!), make macaroni and cheese from scratch, and buy juice fresh with no preservatives. I have to say, despite the fact that cooking takes a bit more prep time, I wouldn't trade it for the world. My kitchen smells good (beef shins for dinner tonight), I like working with my hands, the conversations that take place in my kitchen while food is being prepped and cooked is sweet, and I am learning how much "convenience" I can live without. The funny thing is, I don't find life here all that "inconvenient". I rather like it... chicken feet and all.
nice pic... ugh!
Eggy McLeggy beckons...
OK...I still have a clear mental image of the original Sanuel Hoff. She was a paper doll dressed as a 1920's flapper, with a chin-length brunette bob.
Will the real Sanuel Hoff please stand up?
No kidding! I think it's David.
Hi I just recently migrated from Zimbabwe to the US. I am learning to be an African American. I am getting used to all the packaged foods, though I still prefer to prepare everything from scratch. I find it odd that for everything there is a drive thru, so you never have to get out of your car. People hardly ever walk anywhere even if its just down the street.
About the different types of meat, I think you can get some of that stuff over here if you know where to find it.
I miss meat pies and milk tarts, because over here a pie is typically apple, cherry or something sweet.
I am trying to get used to the culture of drinking iced tea not hot tea.
I am blessed to have grown up in Africa, and to be living in America now. It would be really nice if more people could experience both cultures then they might stop whining about what the don't have and be grateful for what they do have.
Hi every one I need place where o can get cowz head , info plz
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