"Enoch walked with God." - Genesis 5:24
"Noah... walked with God." - Genesis 6:9
These are the only two verses in the Bible where it says that someone walked with God. But here's the cool part - in the Afrikaans translation, it says, "Henog het met God gewandel." The verb used is "wandel", which means to stroll, take a leisurely walk (I learned this from my friend, lest you think I'm brilliant in Afrikaans. I'm not.)
Sometimes we Westerners get the idea that a walk is only useful for getting from Point A to Point B and that when walking with God, the destination is the point. We've got to hurry up and get things done to gain His love or approval.
I am learning, however, that it's more about being with God than going somewhere or doing something. Strolling with God, if you will. It's less about tasks and more about relationship. I don't need to stress about the destination or worry about the tasks that must get done; I just need to "wandel met God." The rest will fall into place.
Sis, thank you for sharing this! I love reading Scripture in other languages because I learn more about things like wandeling with God. :)
In French, there are two different words for "believer". One is croyant...one who believes with their mind. The other is dirigeant...one who acts.
Wow. That's really cool. It's like the difference between knowing something in your head, and then living life acting on that belief. How many times do we know (in our head) that God's grace is enough, but then live lives plagued by guilt, shame, stress, anxiety, whatever... because we don't ACT on what we know (in our heads) to be true!
Thanks for the French lesson; I needed that!
So true! Sometimes I think acting on what is really true (God's grace and our life in Christ) is like the scene in the Indiana Jones holy grail movie where he is supposed to take the leap of faith. He looks out and sees a chasm...but when he takes that step into seeming thin air, he finds he's standing on solid rock. God always makes a way, because His plans are to prosper us and to give us a hope and a future. His plans are just not our (limited) plans. :)
Love you!
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