In my thought processes I remembered a quote I heard many years ago - "Every man is in some way my superior. In that, I can learn from him." When I remembered this I wept. How cruel we humans can be to one another, especially (and I'm sorry to say it) we Christians. Too often we expect everyone to become exactly like we are before we're willing to dole out some love and respect (as though God's love is in short supply??) Or even worse, we demand that they agree with us on all fronts - political, social, economic and religious.
I have asked God to help me see with His eyes. When I encounter someone - whether it be an acquaintance, the woman behind the till or the beggar on the street - I would like to think, "This person is made in the image of a Holy God and therefore worthy of my respect. This person has a unique set of gifts and skills. This person is my superior in some area of expertise. What can I learn from this person? How can I value them? Even if my encounter is limited to a minute or two, how can I connect with this person in a meaningful way - touch them with the fingerprint of God - remind them of their inherent worth and value?"
And so, to the old way of thinking I say, "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" To the new way I say, "Lord, help me. I want your eyes."