Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Day in Pictures

Here are a few pictures from my day... I have to say the hippo gave me the fright of my life, as we rounded a corner in the road and didn't expect to see him at all! He was not too pleased to see us, either, and I was afraid he was going to charge us (hippos do kill more people in Africa per year than any other animal), but thankfully he turned around and walked away.


Laila P said...

Hello, I've just come across your blog and have really enjoyed reading the entries.
Would you possibly be able to add a 'followers' button so I'd be able to be updated when you write a new post, as I find the work you are doing really fascinating.
Again, great blog!
Nic :]

Violet N. said...

Oh my! Just another reason to pray for the safety of our missionaries!!

I love reading about your odyssey, though I don't comment much. Happy New Year to you and your family!