Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Rainy Season

I love the rainy season here in South Africa. There is something miraculous about that first rain that cleans the air and signals the beginning of land turning green once again after a long, dry winter. Those powerful thunderstorms which were once scary are now comforting, for they bring the promise of relief and change.

I never thought much about rain in California. Time was marked by seasons - winter or spring, autumn or summer - and sports - football or baseball, water skiing or snow skiing. If it rained, it rained.

But here in Africa... rain is more than just rain, at least for me. Sometimes my heart can grow dry and weary from a long season of trials or difficulties - an emotional or spiritual drought, if you will. But then God teaches me something new of Himself, refreshes my spirit, and my heart begins to turn green and lush once again, overflowing with joy.

The rains of Africa remind me that no matter how dry the season or how weary my heart, God is faithful to come and make all things new, cause things once dried and withered to flourish once again.

I am so grateful for rain these days, and for the faithfulness of God to redeem things (even me!). If you find your heart dry and weary, may God restore it to overflowing with joy and lushness, like the land after an African rain.

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