I know my husband. I know that he will sneak pieces of droëwors when I'm not looking. You might be thinking, "And? What's wrong with that?" What is wrong is that I want there to be a few pieces left for me.
Tonight I got after him for eating some droëwors "for dessert." "Don't hog it all!", I admonished him. He looked at me with an amused expression that, after 14 years of marriage, I have recognised to mean: You've lost the argument because you inadvertently said something funny.
He then went skipping around the house singing, "Don't hog the warthog!" "Don't hog the warthog!"
That's it. I'm hiding the rest of the droëwors.
Tee hee :)
I love you guys!
Hi Angela!
My sister is staying at Dan's parents and told me about your blog. I love it!! Especially the pictures of toilet-papering people. :) Do you know how to post pictures besides e-mailing them to your blog? I am kind of new to blogger and am trying to figure it out.
Nice to see you on here! :) ~ Amber
P.S. i think we were in a sign language class together at the society for handicapped a LONG time ago!
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