I don't mean to complain - I really love South Africa -but it's COLD! Getting dressed in the morning is truly an assault to the senses after spending several hours under a warm duvet (and I won't even tell you what sitting on the toilet is like, except to say that my bum feels like an ice lolly!). Sitting at a computer becomes a teeth-chattering, finger-numbing event. So...
Back to the fashion faux pas. I don't care what I look like anymore. I wear my coat indoors, as well as my scarf, my hat and two pairs of socks. I don't care about fashion, I don't care if my friends think I'm being a sissy... as long as my nose can warm up!
I am thinking about cutting armholes in my duvet and wearing that each day, but I think the feathers might leak out... On the other hand, there is a fine line between fashion faux pas and cutting edge...
What you really need is for a friend here in the States to buy and send you a Snuggie! Folks sort of make fun of them here, but I think the could fulfill the same role as the duvet with holes cut in it! In case you haven't seen them (they were first introduced here in the States on late night TV commercials) here's the official website link: https://www.getsnuggie.com
I'm thinking that my wife will probably want to buy and take one of these over when we move.
Being cold is one of my bigger "fears" about moving to SA. My husband thinks that is crazy, but I hate being cold. I love having the heat on and being all snuggled up inside. I might actually bring a Snuggie along as I am sure I would wear it often!
Actually you can get Snuggies here. But I figured out that if you wear a hat, you stay much warmer. You can also get space heaters - both electric and gas - but we don't have any.
My advice this year? Wear a warm winter hat and buy a hot water bottle. They do wonders for keeping warm!
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