Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesdays With Auntie Hope

It's been a few weeks since I spent time with Auntie Hope and I was really looking forward to my time with her today.

Today Auntie Hope offered me some tea. She does this every week, but when she went to fetch the teacups and saucers, they weren't in the sideboard where she keeps her china. I helped her look, and we found all of her teacups and saucers in another cupboard in her kitchen. She must have put them there and then forgotten, but while Auntie Hope forgets where the tea is every week, she never forgets where the teacups are. This made me feel sad.

After a nice cup of tea I sat down to listen to Auntie Hope tell stories of going to boarding school at Pretoria Girls High and of her mother owning a laundry business. I used to dread her telling these same two stories every week, but now I rather look forward to them as "our little tradition."

Auntie Hope then told me of how she went to draw money this morning but was told she must phone her daughter. I think her daughter handles her finances for her, but from Auntie Hope's perspective, she can't figure out why she gets such "strange instructions" to draw money. She feels confused and helpless.

I have to say I can actually relate. Just trying to renew a passport at the U.S. Consulate can leave me feeling confused and helpless. And maybe it's just me, but I find that much of life leaves me feeling confused and helpless. If I would only remember to lean on Jesus and look to Him for guidance, things would be much easier than trying to "manage" on my own.

I don't know why it takes a visit with Auntie Hope to remind me of these things, but it does. And I'm so thankful.

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." - Matthew 11:28-30, The Message


Julie Coney said...

thank you for that verse. For me, my confusion comes from disorganization. God has been impressing on me that He is a God of order, and I need to work in this area. Thank you for your encouragement that His way is 'easy'.

Anna said...

My confusion comes from trying to do things on my own and not trusting in God or waiting on Him for direction. I think I tend to "panic" when I think His timing is too slow for my taste and then try to do things in my own power to "help" Him. Bad idea! :)