Sunday, May 4, 2008

All in a Day's Work

What are these, you might ask? The tools necessary to save a neighbourhood and my sanity! It went down like this:

A few nights ago, the neighbour's house alarm went off. This happens occasionally, and is often a "false" alarm, in which case the alarm is shut off by the owners. If the owners are not home, the alarm company usually comes out to investigate and make sure all is well.

When several minutes had passed - and then hours - and the alarm hadn't been turned off, we called the alarm company to find out what was going on. The neighbours were apparently gone and couldn't be reached. The house was fine. The alarm company was going to continue to try to reach the owners.

Two DAYS later, the alarm was still going. By this time, I am feeling like a Guantanamo Bay detainee, and everyone is grumpy and on edge (two nights of no sleep will do this to a person). So.... enter two very cool people (who shall remain nameless) who borrow a ladder, climb over a wall, pacify three dogs, climb up another wall, snip a few wires, and... Peace. Quiet. Calm.

I am looking forward to sleeping tonight. And to my two new heroes - you so totally ROCK! I am in awe of you! For risking life and limb, braving dogs and spiked walls, the neighbourhood (and me especially) is eternally grateful.


christoslife said...

Other than unlawful entry, malicious damage and other law breakers at least you wont be grumpy at work any more!!

Anna said...

We had permission from the alarm company to do it, and we even called them afterwards. Why *they* wouldn't do it, I don't know.

ROSIE said...

I think there are two tools missing: a large box of chocolate for the grumpy, sleepless hoardes, and a large latte!

Love you,