Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Lesson of the Ants

I had choir practice yesterday, and my friend challenged me to find a reason for Friday's ant attack. She said maybe there was a lesson to be learned. I said, "Yeah, right. The only thing I learned was:
  1. Don't take walks around the perimeter of the Botanical Gardens;
  2. Sometimes nature can be more distracting than the office; and
  3. Always carry a can of DOOM with you (that's the local brand of ant spray...rather appropriately named, don't you think?)"
She said, "I'm serious." I said, "So am I." But upon further reflection (and another day of recovery), I had to concede that yes, I did in fact learn something:

There is power in numbers, but more specifically, there is power in unity. One ant can't do much to one human. I'm bigger, stronger, and more scary-looking! But when all the ants work together to accomplish a goal (like scare the wee out of me), they can really do a lot, can't they?

Jesus prayed in John 17, "I pray also for those who will believe in Me... that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me... May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me." vv. 20-21, 23

I can't help but wonder, if Christians could stop their bickering and disputing over petty things, if we could shake the critical and judgmental spirit and unite towards a common goal, that is, sharing the love of Jesus with a world that desperately needs hope, would we be as powerful as an army of ants? Could we take down giants, swarm the world with love?

Something to think about, at any rate.

1 comment:

ROSIE said...

DOOM...I laughed so hard I had tears!!

But seriously...

I do empathize with your experience. My first year down South I had the misfortune to step on a nest of fire ants. Fire ants bite and have to be brushed off like your ants, but they also repeatedly inject venom that is more powerful than wasp venom. Ow.

You wrote, "if Christians could stop their bickering and disputing over petty things, if we could shake the critical and judgmental spirit and unite towards a common goal, that is, sharing the love of Jesus with a world that desperately needs hope, would we be as powerful as an army of ants? Could we take down giants, swarm the world with love?"

The answer is undoubtedly YES. We also wouldn't sting others and leave behind the painful, blistering venom of biting words. Definitely something to think about.
