Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Candy Floss Experiment #1

What I learned:
  • how to burn sugar
  • how to entomb my hand in candy floss
  • how to look like Frodo in Shelob's lair
  • that it is a bad idea to make candy floss on a windy day
What I still need to learn:
  • how to get the candy floss to stick to the stick
  • how to get the candy floss to stick to the drum
  • how to get the candy floss to stick to anything but me


Heather, Rick, and Tendai! said...

Annie.. I thought of you on sunday.. we went out for lunch at a restaurant a bit aways from us and they had a candy floss machine.. of all things.. in rural mozambique. I love that place for that exact reason. Anyhew.. its great stuff and I hope you get the machine figured out in time!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if candy floss and Cotton candy were the same thing!

I think my lack of skill with the cotton candy machine was the beginning of my doom in the mall food court career track.