Saturday, December 11, 2010

Random Opinion of the Day

South Africa has its challenges, to be sure, but on the plus side it has some of the most beautiful public toilets the world has to offer.


Heather, Rick, and Tendai! said...

Annie.... JUST today i was complaining to Rick about the state of the public toilets here in Canada.... and fondly reminiscing about the AWESOME public toilets in SA (well.. those in malls.. the ones in some gas stations are still pretty bad..)

Dianne said...

I love the dragonfly...but I'm not sure what a happy dinosaur has to do with a ladies' room!

Anna said...

It's actually a sea monster. :) The whole shopping centre was sea monster-themed, as it lay next to a huge dam/reservoir. I guess it was a South African take on Nessie? You should have seen the "boy" sea monster on the guys' side. :)

Next time I'll take a photo of of the cow-themed toilets (next to a dairy, of course!)