Friday, October 31, 2008

Worms, Anyone?

Since our dog may have died of worms, and since we live in Africa, our colleague suggested that we take a de-worming tablet once a year, just to be on the safe side. So today I went to the chemist to get the tablets for our family, but I was a bit nervous (not to mention that I felt like a dog who has to wear a giant cone-collar after surgery). I waited in the queue and when I got to the counter I said, "I need to know if you have (lowering voice) de-worming tablets... (raising voice) for my KIDS, of course."

It was the cowardly way out, I know. Heaven forbid that I - ME - need to take a de-worming tablet! The woman got the medicine for my children, and then I said, "Um... maybe my husband and I should take it too... (quickly) just in case." So the woman smiled - one of THOSE smiles - and got the tablets for my husband and myself. On my way out she yelled, "GOOD LUCK!" I turned seven shades of red. I wanted to hide. I felt utterly humiliated!

Taking medication for malaria or yellow fever sounds kind of cool, but there's just no glory in de-worming yourself.


Dan Erickson said...

Wow. I hope I never see a ball of worms like that. You really know how to take care of us.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid I had them a couple of times from playing in the sand box or something. I remember how embarrassing it was. My mom used to give me garlic pills as a treatment and prevention. I hope that might be helpful.

Thank you for always being so transparent, it is so refreshing and inspiring! Praying for you often. Becka :)

ROSIE said...

The good news is, you may very well NOT have worms...but a tablet of prevention is worth much more than a pound of...worms??

The BEST defense against parasites is to a) not go barefoot in soil; and b) thorough handwashing and cleaning under the fingernails on a regular basis. And never lick a dog or a lizard. :-)

The more I learn about the intricacies of the human body in nursing school, the more I stand in awe of our Creator and praise him for things like this: Did you know that one of the many types of white blood cells in our bodies--eosinophils--has as one of its primary functions wiping out parasitic worms? God is good! :-)