Sunday, July 5, 2009

Signs, Signs

You can't live in South Africa without coming across a funny sign sooner or later. Here are some from our recent road trip:

Sorry, but they've closed all the loopholes!

I am not afraid of lifts, but after one ride in this one... suffice it to say that even the hotel maids use the staircase!

In case you needed a visual aid to describe that desperate feeling!

Durban city officials got this great idea to change all the street names at once, so the map we bought six months ago is utterly useless! ("Pine Street? There's no Pine Street. This cross street is called Monty Naicker." "Smith Street? Do you think there's a remote possibility that it's the same thing as Anton Lembede Street?" "At this point, anything's possible.")

If there's a reason the sushi is 50% off, I don't want to eat it. Sushi is one of those things you don't want to go on sale. Ever.


Laura said...

These are awesome... amusing signs are one of many things I miss about ZA!!

Unknown said...

That lift sign should have been in the Agricultural building on the University of Pretoria campus. No joke. It used to do exactly the same thing!

Anna said...

Your blog made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt!

Not only did this lift not stop exactly on each floor, it rattled from side to side as it moved up and down. I walked up four flights of stairs multiple times each day just to avoid it.

My kids, on the other hand, begged to use the lift each time. Abnormal sense of immortality, I say!

beti said...

David loved the handicap sign!