Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Do You Think?

"Easy lives don't make great stories. Your life in Christ was meant to be a great story." - Beth Moore


liza said...

I totally agree with her! I love Beth Moore.

ROSIE said...

I needed to read that today. Nursing school is going well, but the sheer volume is overwhelming (22 chapters in one week). There is also some heavy spiritual warfare going on in our class, and I am going through this on my knees. Like Jim Elliot said: "The soldier who advances on his knees will never retreat".


Unknown said...

This reminds me of the C.S. Lewis quote:

"You see, I'm not sure that God particularly wants us to be happy. He wants us to love and be loved. He wants us to grow up. I suggest to you that it is because God loves us that he makes us the gift of suffering."

The idea that God would rather have a relationship with me than let me have empty happiness is something I sometimes struggle to wrap my head around...

Anna said...

Yeah, I hear you. But is empty happiness good?

You know the disease leprosy? It's actually a disease where the body loses the ability to feel pain. Pain is what protects the body from blisters, extreme heat or cold, wear and tear on the joints, etc. Pain is actually a gift. Maybe it is in relationships, too.

C.S. Lewis also said, "The joy now is part of the pain then"... or something to that effect.

Unknown said...

Oh, don't get me wrong - I totally agree - empty happiness isn't happiness at all. I just find it amazing that time and time again, God refuses to take the easy way out with us ("I'll just make them happy..."), and instead chooses to engage with us and draw us closer to Him, even if that means temporary pain for His children. Sorry if I wasn't clear, can I plead baby-induced sleep deprivation? :)

And since we're on Lewis, there is of course the famous "God whispers through our pleasures, speaks through our conscience, and shouts through our pain. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." Powerful stuff...

Anna said...

Yes, you can absolutely plead baby-induced sleep deprivation!

Wouldn't you do the same for your daughter, though? If you had to say no to her, wouldn't it be because you wanted what was best for her, even if that meant temporary unhappiness? And wouldn't you pursue relationship with her at all cost?

That's what's so cool about having kids - it teaches us so much more about God.

Unknown said...

That's exactly what I was thinking as I wrote that comment. I will need to learn to say "no" for the sake of relationship. I say "learn" because right now I can't imaging saying "no" to anything she asks me for :)

beti said...

Thanks Annie and Rian - good dialog and I love the quotes from Beth Moore and CS Lewis. I know that I have learned much about our Father's relationship with us through my relationship with my children. Do ya think maybe He planned it that way...? There are so very many things in life that make such good spiritual object lessons. God is so wise and good to us.

Anna said...

Have you been watching Shadowlands?

Unknown said...

Hehe... no, I'm just a huge C.S. Lewis fan...

Anna said...

Dan and I saw Shadowlands on our first date. We also have a collection of C.S. Lewis first editions... you and Jess (and Aralyn!) have to visit us someday.

HC1MN said...

Which C.S. Lewis first editions do you have? Mum

Unknown said...

Well I was on the fence about visiting you guys but if you have first edition C.S. Lewis books lying around, that changes things... :)

Just kidding, yes we'd love to meet you guys in person. Hopefully we can do that when we move back next year!

Anna said...

Too many to list, Mum - 15 in total. Dan and I collected them before we had kids. I can email you a list if you'd like. -A