Monday, February 11, 2008

Sometimes You Want to Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Everywhere we go, we are known as the American family. At school, at church, in our neighborhood. "This is Angela. She's from America." "This is the American couple I was telling you about." "You talk funny. You must learn to speak proper South African English." There is no way around this, of course, but sometimes I wish it would go past that stage. If I died right now, I can just imagine my funeral... "Angela died. She was the American."

It's not quite that bad, of course, but I long to be known for who I am on the inside, not what nationality I am. I long to be known for being more than just an American. I feel lonely today.

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us." - I John 4:16 I am so glad for God's love.


nichole joanne said...
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nichole joanne said...

Hi there Angela,
As one of the ten headed over there come June I just want you to know I am really looking forward to serving along side you and your family.
Infact prior to reading this blog I was thinking of how in just a few months I too will be, "an american in Pretoria" Only for a short while that is, I cannot imagine living there long term.
I really admire your courage I would surly be lonely as well. It is so wonderful to be reassured that the presence of the Lord will never abandon or even fade. It is so encouraging to read how, despite the challenges that come your way, you are able to push forward by His strength.
Know that we have been and will continue to pray for you and yours.
May the Lord our God pour His peace and comfort upon you as you seek to do His will.

For His glory alone :)

equichick8 said...

I think I understand some of what you feel Angela. I've lived in Australia for 9 months and now in California for almost 5 years (wow!) It's funny how everyone told me that I would get used to living here and I would not be homesick anymore. They were right about getting used to living here, but not about the homesickness.

I remember so many things about getting used to another country, how I felt and how depressed I got and how I thought, there must be some purpose for what I'm learning through this. I'm sure there is... I'm just still waiting for it.

It's good to be with my husband and beautiful girl, but sometimes I just want some of the borsht and schnetjke that my mom makes.
I have one thing that you don't though, lots of people already know my name here in Castro Valley. Most of those people don't even know I'm Canadian though...

I love reading your updates, keep it up.

ps. I don't think you can send seeds and such across ocean, something to do with customs. And since you told me they are Chinese long beans, I'm sure I can find the beans here, they are very tasty stir fried with garlic and oil, have you tried them that way?

see ya in your blog,