Friday, May 30, 2008


This isn't Boipelo, but imagine for a moment that it is. This child attends the same creche (preschool) as Boipelo, at one of the day centres we operate. Boipelo is five years old. His doesn't have a dad and on Monday, his mum died. Boipelo is now another of our orphans. He hasn't been at the creche since Monday and we don't know where he is. The funeral is tomorrow and after that we will find out where Boipelo is staying and take on a greater level of care for him.

Look at these eyes. Imagine being utterly alone at age 5. The amazing thing is that Boipelo's story is quite "normal" in township life. You get so used to hearing these stories that they almost -almost- don't shock you anymore. But they should. May each one fuel in me the passion to do all that I can do (which granted, isn't much, but's what I can do).

I love the Boipelos of this world. Their stories make my heart ache. I love South Africa, and I am not afraid to walk amongst the pain. In a manner of speaking, these are my people now, my fellow countrymen, my brothers and sisters, my children. "Now about brotherly love we do
not need to write to you for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. And in fact, you do... Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more." 2 Thes. 4:9-10

More and more.... this is my challenge, and one I offer to you as well. Don't get caught up in the petty irritants of each day. Love - love God and love people - more and more.

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