Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Portrait of Worship, Part I

I stood next to an elderly Indian man at church this morning.  He radiated friendliness and greeted me with a thick accent as he shook my hand vigorously.  During the worship, he sang loudly.  He sang with as much passion and love for Jesus as I have ever seen.  And he sang... terribly... off... pitch!

I like to sing harmony, but this seemed to cause confusion for the warm soul of a man.  When I sang harmony, he sang as though he were completely tone deaf.  I switched to melody in an effort to help him.  The situation improved, but only slightly.

You might think - because I am a musician - that this would distract me or that I might in some way "disdain" his singing.  But this could not be farther from the truth!

I learned a long time ago (the hard way) that sincerity of heart counts for a whole lot more than musical ability.  God doesn't want a performance;  He wants us to come to Him in authenticity and vulnerability! Anybody can perform - good musicians are a dime a dozen - but a true worshiper is harder to come by.

I was so grateful to be standing next to this man.  He inspired me!  I am thankful that he sang so wholeheartedly and with reckless abandon, not caring what anyone but God thought.  That is as it should be!

I can only imagine what a sweet, sweet sound his offering was in God's ears.  I know how much it blessed me.

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