Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Greet You in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ

That is how the pastor from the Democratic Republic of the Congo greeted us in church on Sunday over a cell phone call broadcast over the audio system. Our pastor was up in the DRC speaking at his church, and the church - the whole church - spoke their greetings to our church over the phone during the service.

Half a continent away in war-ravaged land, and I - the American living in Pretoria who's had it pretty easy my whole life - realised that this man is my brother in Christ just as much as my closest friends are, and that we will spend eternity together worshiping around the throne of the God we both serve.

I don't know why, but it made me cry. Still does, three days later. When I imagine what his life must be like, and when I take a good hard look at my own life, I become acutely aware of how much I have to learn. Will you join me in praying for this man who is my brother in Christ?

1 comment:

Dan Erickson said...

I got teary too- for all the differences between us, we have the deepest and most important things in common. Great observation, Annie.