Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thoughts on Culture, Worldview, and Kicking Some Bum

It's easy to point out the supposed flaws in other cultures - those aspects in which another's worldview is "wrong." What is incredibly difficult is to see those things in your own culture.

Yesterday my daughter related an experience at school that was slightly disturbing. The mother instinct in me wanted to make some noise, defend my child, get revenge, kick some bum. As Americans, we are taught to "demand our rights", be vocal, be an advocate. We are quick to say, "That's not fair", and then get on our soapboxes, demanding freedom and equality for all. But let's be honest - we tend to do this only when it directly affects ourselves.

While none of the above reactions are bad in and of themselves, I think it is a weakness in my home culture because it is often contrary to Christianity. Jesus didn't go around demanding His rights or getting angry every time someone was rude to Him. He loved people (even the mean ones), He turned the other cheek, He made Himself a servant. He extended grace in a world that desperately needed it. My small American brain cannot reconcile these two responses.

So... do I choose to follow the Bible's teachings, or those of my home culture? Please don't misunderstand me - I think there are very much times when we must stand up for what is right. I am just realising that there are things about my culture that I'm not sure are good. Would it not be better to teach my daughter how to respond with grace to the challenges and "unfairness" of life, rather than respond in a like manner to the bullies of the world?

I find that the older I get, the less I know.


HC1MN said...

Angela, that question was a hard one for my folks too. They chose to teach us the non tit for tat route. It produced some anger but avoided the violence and consequences that would have ensued had I been given Mom's and Dad's support.
You are doing a great job as a mom. You are their only mom and they depend on you to be "right" all the time. Buena suerte.

Chris said...

I agree - we have to choose to sometimes rather be wronged. I also think that we somehow are more justified in being offended when it is on behalf of another and not ourselves. Even Jesus was righteously angry when He threw out the money changers in the temple. Thanks for the food for thought.