Saturday, September 13, 2008

Old-Fashioned Fun

I found a stack of old coffee cans at work yesterday, which reminded me of my childhood. We used to make "telephones" out of small cans and rope, and the larger cans we used to make stilts. So... history repeats itself once again as you can see in the photo. We made some stilts for the kids, and they had a blast racing down the hallway at work.

It's amazing how much fun you can have with so little. I have to wonder if we really need all of those toy stores. I have seen kids in South Africa make soccer ball out of plastic grocery sacks, goal markers out of bricks, and any number of things out of old tires. I half think the creativity and ingenuity is worth more than anything money can buy. Five points for African resourcefulness! I realised the other day that we haven't bought a single toy since moving to South Africa, and I don't miss it. The kids don't seem to mind, either. They are content with the toys we brought from the States. Just yesterday Lucy turned a cabbage leaf into a floating cabana in the sink for her Polly Pockets.... until she found a slug on the leaf. Then she screamed and yelled for Daddy to come save the dolls. And in a dramatic rescue that rivals any Godzilla movie, Lucy had the time of her life!

1 comment:

Chris said...

The stilts look like a toy we used to have called, "Romper Stompers." Too fun!