Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Cowboy Looks at Psalm 23

Do you ever read a verse, or chapter in the Bible, so many times that the words fail to sink in? That happens to me a lot, especially with Psalm 23, but for some reason, today verse 3 really stuck out as it was read in church: "He restores my soul."

I think it stuck out to me because I've been feeling rather weary lately. I am learning that faith is not a passive thing. It is a deliberate choice that has to be made over and over, when circumstances or emotions conflict with what you know intellectually and Scripturally to be true.

It's sort of like a cowboy who's fallen off his horse, but is still hanging on to the rope. He's bruised, sore, has a mouthful of dirt and isn't out of danger, but he doesn't let go.

"He restores my soul." I don't know about you, but I'm going to choose to hang onto the rope. Maybe I'm covered in a few cow pies and have a tumbleweed wrapped around my head, but I won't let go. I won't. Do you know why? Because "He restores my soul," gives me strength to get back up on the horse and finish the ride. Cow pies and all.