Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Summary of Four Months in South Africa

How do you write a poem about
AIDS and violent crime in South Africa
and how do you describe
the sights and sounds
of township poverty
the curling smoke from
campfires in rusted oil drums
roasted mealies at the roadside
corrugated metal shacks offering
haircuts, fruit and funeral services
and how do you write
about the 11-year-old girl
dressed to the hilt
who sells herself each night
to feed her younger siblings,
says she'd rather die
from AIDS than hunger?
because I can't seem to
find the words

1 comment:

Shawn Stutz said...

Wow... I can relate. My heart feels so heavy associating your words with the mental pictures I have as well. How can life flip so drastically with one spin of the globe.

I want to weep at what makes God weeps. I've also learned that justice is another word for righteousness in the scriptures. To act righteous is also to love mercy and act justly. Social gospel is the the fullness of the gospel expressed in faith, hope, and love.

I'm preaching, sorry, but this has stirred a lot in my heart today.