Monday, January 12, 2009

A Sobering Reality

Maybe I overreacted a little about the sheep organ membrane (the curry turned out well, by the way!). Especially in light of some sobering realities:

One of our workers at the mission, who went home to Zimbabwe for the holidays, never returned. Thoughts of cholera, starvation, trouble at the border, police intimidation, etc. run across our minds, but then, maybe he decided to stay with family? We have no way to contact him, so all we can do is wait and pray. It is amazing to me that even today, in some parts of the world communication is incredibly difficult, let alone access to clean water, food and jobs. Puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

I spent the day contacting friends I know who went to Zimbabwe for the holidays to make sure they were safe and alright. Fortunately they were all accounted for except the one. Please keep him in your prayers; his name is Respect.

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